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How to Take Risks to Grow Your Business - Joe Blackburn | Strategy + Action

Today on the show, Strategy + Action = Taking a Risk for Your Next Level of Growth

In this episode, we have a very special guest - Joe Blackburn. Joe is an expert in helping his clients bridge the gap from standard growth to expansive success.

We dig into the topic of risk and how important it is to embrace it while getting consistent feedback from a trusted group of people around you. Joe shares his journey of leaving behind a lucrative and successful career of 20 years to pursue his passion for helping others.

He discusses the incredible results he creates for his clients through his company, Lion's Eye Coaching, and his mastermind program, where he guides high-achieving individuals from multiple industries toward expanded growth and success. Joe's tough love approach ensures that his clients don't settle for mediocrity and instead reach their true potential. He emphasizes the importance of expanding your scope and opening up to new possibilities.

This episode is packed with insights and inspiration for anyone looking to take their business to the next level. So, join us as we dive into this fascinating conversation with Joe Blackburn.

Let's jump in!

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joe blackburn lions eye coaching mastermind jason croft strategy action
joe blackburn lions eye coaching mastermind jason croft strategy action